NoC Configuration =========================== Constellation divides the NoC specification into three orthogonal concerns. * **Physical specification** describes the topology and microarchitecture of the NoC * **Flow specification** describes what flows the network might expect * **Routing specification** describes how flows traverse the physical resources of the NoC The total specification of the NoC is captured in the `constellation.noc.NoCParams` case class. The total class is depicted below. Please see the subsections for more details. .. literalinclude:: ../../../src/main/scala/noc/Parameters.scala :language: scala :start-after: BEGIN: NoC Parameters :end-before: END: NoC Parameters A specification is constructed as an instance of a ``NoCParams`` case class. Examples of specifications can be seen in `src/main/scala/test/Configs.scala `_. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 PhysicalSpec FlowSpec RoutingSpec